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  • Iechyd a Lles / Health and Wellbeing

    Tra bod yr holl fyfyrwyr yma yn Ysgol Penalltau gobeithiwn y byddant yn manteisio’n llawn ar yr holl gyfleoedd i ddysgu, tyfu a datblygu fel person ifanc yn barod ar gyfer yr 21ain ganrif. Mae gwneud hyn yn golygu bod angen i bob myfyriwr ddatblygu dealltwriaeth o'r pethau y mae angen iddynt eu gwneud i gadw eu hunain yn iach mewn meddwl, corff ac ysbryd, gan gymryd cyfrifoldeb am eu lles personol eu hunain.

    Fel ysgol rydym bob amser yn ymdrechu i wrando ac arwain myfyrwyr ar hyd y llwybr cywir ar eu cyfer ac yn gwerthfawrogi y gall fod angen rhywfaint o help a chyngor ychwanegol arnynt ar adegau yn eu gyrfa ysgol i fynd trwy amseroedd anodd. Mae'r dolenni isod yn cynnig cyngor yn unig ac yn nodi gan bwy i geisio cymorth os oes angen. Os ydych chi fel myfyrwyr neu rieni yn bryderus ar unrhyw adeg am eich lles chi neu eich plentyn, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni yn uniongyrchol a byddwn yn gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i helpu.


    Whilst all students are here at Ysgol Penalltau we hope that they will take full advantage of all the opportunities to learn, grow and develop as a young person ready for the 21st century.  To do this means that all students need to develop an understanding of the things that they need to do to keep themselves healthy in mind, body and spirit, taking responsibility for their own personal wellbeing.

    As a school we always strive to listen and guide students along the right path for them and appreciate that at times in their school career they may need some extra help and advice to get through difficult times. The links below are simply offering advice and indicate who to seek help from if needed.  If as students or parents you are concerned at any time regarding your or your child’s wellbeing, please do not hesitate to contact us directly and we will do everything we can to help



    Mae Ysgol Penalltau yn falch o fod yn 'Cofleidio'r Dull Thrive.' Offeryn llesiant yw Thrive sy’n canolbwyntio ar gefnogi datblygiad cymdeithasol ac emosiynol dysgwyr gwydn. Mae perthnasoedd yn allweddol i sicrhau ein bod yn cefnogi ein pobl ifanc yn effeithiol ac mae Thrive yn darparu'r offer i gefnogi gweithwyr proffesiynol. Bydd y logo yn mynd â chi i wefan Thrive ac yn darparu gwybodaeth bellach. Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn ffodus bod gennym ddau ymarferwr trwyddedig Thrive a byddwn yn parhau i wreiddio’r dull hwn yn y misoedd i ddod.


    Ysgol Penalltau is proud to be 'Embracing the Thrive Approach.' Thrive is a wellbeing tool that focuses on supporting the social and emotional development of resilient learners. Relationships are key in ensuring that we effectively support our young people and Thrive provides the tools to support professionals.The logo will take you to the Thrive website and will provide further information. At present we are fortunate to have two licensed Thrive practitioners and we will continue to embed this approach in the months to come.



    Mae gan CAMHS gasgliad o ganllawiau hunangymorth y gellir eu lawrlwytho a allai fod yn ddefnyddiol i chi. Mae rhai wedi'u hanelu at oedolion ond gall y syniadau a'r awgrymiadau ynddynt fod yn berthnasol o hyd i bobl ifanc a rhieni. Cliciwch ar y ddelwedd isod i gael eich ailgyfeirio


    CAMHS has a collection of downloadable self-help guides that may be useful to you. Some are aimed at adults but the ideas and suggestions in them can still be relevant for young people and parents. Click the image below to be redirected



    Dewis Cymru

    Dewis Cymru yw’r lle i fynd os ydych chi eisiau gwybodaeth neu gyngor am eich llesiant – neu eisiau gwybod sut gallwch chi helpu rhywun arall.

    Pan fyddwn yn siarad am eich llesiant, nid dim ond eich iechyd yr ydym yn ei olygu. Rydym yn golygu pethau fel ble rydych chi'n byw, pa mor ddiogel rydych chi'n teimlo, mynd allan, a chadw mewn cysylltiad â theulu a ffrindiau. Nid oes unrhyw ddau berson yr un peth ac mae llesiant yn golygu gwahanol bethau i wahanol bobl. Felly mae Dewis Cymru yma i’ch helpu chi i ddarganfod mwy am yr hyn sy’n bwysig i chi.

    Mae gennym ni wybodaeth a all eich helpu i feddwl am yr hyn sy’n bwysig i chi, ac mae gennym ni hefyd wybodaeth am bobl a gwasanaethau yn eich ardal a all eich helpu gyda’r pethau sy’n bwysig i chi. Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod am fwy o wybodaeth:


    Dewis Cymru is the place to go if you want information or advice about your well-being – or want to know how you can help somebody else.

    When we talk about your well-being, we don’t just mean your health. We mean things like where you live, how safe and secure you feel, getting out and about, and keeping in touch with family and friends. No two people are the same and well-being means different things to different people. So Dewis Cymru is here to help you find out more about what matters to you.

    We’ve got information that can help you think about what matters to you, and we’ve also got information about people and services in your area that can help you with the things that matter to you. Please click on the link below for more information:



    Diogelwch ar Lein/Online Safety

    Mae cadw’n ddiogel ar-lein yn rhywbeth y mae angen inni i gyd ei ystyried. Bydd y dolenni canlynol yn helpu pobl ifanc a rhieni / gofalwyr i ddysgu mwy am gadw'n ddiogel ar-lein. Os oes gennych chi fel person ifanc unrhyw bryderon am eich diogelwch rhyngrwyd chi neu berson ifanc arall, rhowch wybod i oedolyn cyfrifol neu aelod o dîm bugeiliol yr ysgol cyn gynted â phosibl.


    Staying safe on line is something that we all need to consider. The following links will help both young people and parents / carers learn more about staying safe on line. If you as a young person have any concerns about your or another young person’s internet safety, please inform a responsible adult or one of the pastoral team at the school as soon as possible.




    Cefnogaeth Pellach/Further Support